The following is a list of available budget dashboard reports. Please contact Business Systems with issues or ideas.
- Budget Balance Summary: Shows a summary of expenditures, labor, and revenue at the Fund level. Includes Budget, Prior and Current Month Transactions, Total YTD Activity, Committed, and Available Balance. Each category is drillable to the list of detail transactions.
- Budget Balances: Same as Budget Balance Summary, but at the Fund and Account level. Expenditures show balances at the budget pool level (i.e., 719000, 720000, 731000, etc.).
- Budget Notice - State Funds: Notice of over-expended accounts. Budget and YTD activity are drillable to the list of detail transactions.
- Budget Pools: Shows operating budget at a glance. Lists each Budget Pool, Budget, YTD and Committed, Balance Available, and a grand total for the Fund.
- Checks Issued by Fund (fzraolri): Shows a list of checks issued by Fund. Sorted by Payee/Vendor, includes Check #, Date, Amount of check, Invoice #, breakdown of each account charged and the amount.
- Encumbrances: Shows outstanding encumbrances by Fund. Form is not drillable, but shows Account, Purchase Order #, Vendor, Date of PO, Original Amount, Adjustments, Liquidations, and Encumbrance Balance.
- FundActivity_for_DateRange: Allows view of detail activity for any date range, by Fund.
- FZRABAL-Daily Report: Cash Balance Reconciliation (Remember 227XXX funds do not have cash on hand.) Shows cash balance as of the previous day.
- FZRABAL-Monthly Report: Cash Balance Reconciliation (Remember 227XXX funds do not have cash on hand.) Shows cash balance at month-end (you must select desired month).
- FZRAPTD-Project-to-Date Report: Project-to-Date Summary/Budget Balance Available.
- Operating Budgets-State Funds: Lists State Funds (those beginning with a 1) and displays only those accounts for which the user is responsible to process budget entries to maintain a positive balance (accounts: 614XXX, 719XXX, 72XXXX thru 88XXXX the Chancellor and all Vice Chancellors will budget for 882970).
- PCard_Fund_Summary: Shows grand total of PCard transactions, by Fund.
- PCard_Excel: Shows detail of PCard transactions in an Excel spreadsheet.
- Year-to-Date_Activity - Excel: Shows all activity for each Fund. If more than one fund, each one will have a separate worksheet (see tabs at the bottom of screen).
- 0010P-Prior Year Budget Balance Summary: Shows prior fiscal year information, i.e., budget, the month of June, Year-to-Date Activity, Purchasing items committed, and Budget Balance available.
***Reports list all funds user has access to. Blue items are hotlinks to detail.
***Test Folder contains reports under construction that are available to view and comment.